Ashram - General Daily Schedule
Ashram follows the following schedule generally for Yoga Retreat programmes.
The schedule may change for other courses.
For the information on the daily schedule for other courses please see the corresponding pages on this web site.
05:30 am
Wake up
06:00 am
Satsang (meditation, chanting and lecture )
07:30 am
Tea Time
08:00 am
Asana and Pranayama class
10:00 am
10:45 am
Seva time – selfless service
11:30 am
Lecture class or Workshops
01:00 pm
Tea Time
01:30 pm
Lecture class or Workshops
03:30 pm
asana and Pranayama class
05:30 pm
07:30 pm
Satsang (meditation, chanting and lecture or special program)
09:30 pm
Lights out

• Attendance at all activities is mandatory. Changes in the program may occur from time to time as per the prevailing conditions.
• There is one day off in a week. On this day participants are required to attend the morning yoga class and two satsangs and to complete their Seva duties. The rest of the day is free for their personal study and activities.